Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's the hardest thing to do in sports?

        I'm basically going to write about what the title says. The candidates are scoring a goal in soccer, hitting a baseball, and catching a long pass while being covered in the game of football. I'm not going to include specific situations in sports like blocking a penalty kick because there would be an infinite amount of these difficult situations. I believe that catching a long pass is the easiest of the three, but I'm not saying it's easy. First of all, the pass has to be sufficiently accurate. The receiver then has to be able to catch it. If they have butter fingers, they might drop it. The football is a weird elongated shape and not a sphere. Lastly, they would have to avoid the guy guarding him.
        Scoring a soccer goal is second on my list. There are typically more defenders than strikers when the strikers have the ball and are threatening to score. That's because the offense and midfielders of the threatened team gets pulled back to help stop the attack. Players can't use their hands and must use feet coordination to be able to mount a successful strike. Communication and passing the ball is key because it's hard for one person to avoid all the defenders and drive into the goal. The striker then has to get pass the goalie and because the goalkeeper is well-rested and doesn't have to move around as much, he/she will be ready to block the ball.
        Hitting a baseball successfully is something you need eyes and luck on. The ball is very small, so there is a decent chance you will swing and miss. Major league pitchers also throw very hard typically reaching into the 90 mph range. That gives you a split-second to react. You have to make sure you get the pitch you hit well. Additionally, the sweet part of the bat is small compared to the whole bat. You could pop up or ground out if the ball makes contact with the wrong part of the bat. That's why even today's superstars only hit a .300 range average. That's less than half.

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