Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Devin Liu and Cristian Cortez       
        We should allow illegal immigration. It benefits the American economy more than it harms it. Also, Illegal immigrants are not always Mexican, some are from all around the world, seeking for a better life. Illegal immigrants do not pose a threat to the American government. They help support it by paying taxes and thus, keeping the economy healthy. They also take jobs that the American people don’t want. Another issue is the strict tests that immigrants have to take. If these tests where a little easier, then more and more of the problem of illegal immigrants will start to fade away. What we should do, as a country, would be to pardon all the illegal immigrants and let them live here. What is the matter if the next door neighbors are illegal? Now, in order to solve the immigrant problem, we should question why they are coming to America in the first place. Many want to find a better place to live and more opportunities. Our southern neighbor, Mexico, is a poor nation and many illegal aliens pour out of that country. If America were to collapse, wouldn’t we seek exile?

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  1. I responded to this post at
