Tuesday, September 28, 2010

repsonse to Luis's post about college ready

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        Luis explains before this quote that college ready can mean a lot. For him, it means being responsible and tolerant of others. Tolerance makes the time at college peaceful and parents aren't around, so you have to be responsible. Independence is valued in college because you'll have to live near college. This is all what Luis said. Here's the link to his quote:
For example, maybe in high school you hated Biology. In college you can easily change your mind. In college you get to learn more depending on what class you’re in. Some great things about college are that you only have classes some days and you get to choose what classes and what time. Another great thing about college is that you only have to apply for about 2 semesters which is half a year compared to high school and middle school which are about three fourths of a year.
I believe that Luis is right about college being fun. He is correct about being able to choose classes and what time to take them. Being able to choose classes is brilliant because personally, I don't like writing essays and I will explain about that in my next blog post. Having the power to choose what time to go to class is a big plus. If you are not a morning person, you can pick classes in the afternoon or at night and vice versa. Also, the option to do that enables you to attend class around your schedule.
        I would like to elaborate on Luis's thoughts about independence. Being in college means you get to live away from parents. Wouldn't that be nice because they can only nag you over the phone and I'm not using myself as an example. You can stay up as late as you desire. This means more partying and less sleeping. This sounds a lot like a corporate retreat.
        Applying for two semesters also means that the year will be shorter and that is a plus too. No more 180 days school year. This also means more free time. How you want to spend it is up to you. Think of it as an extra long summer break.

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