Tuesday, September 21, 2010

response to tony's post about obama's mad face

Here's a quote from tony's blog:
In this picture President Obama is angry. Notice how his eyebrows are lowered and brought in together making a reflection of the letter C. His eyelids are tensed, therefore making him look like he is squinting. His lips are pressed together creating those two curves that look like parenthesis ( ). As you can see he is very pissed off at something. This is what true anger looks like. Hope that clears everything up.
        Tony's statement is indeed true. Obama is quite angry in the picture. If you click on the link in the quote, you will see the picture. There are many aspects to feature. First off, his eyes signal an evil eye glare. He is staring intensely at something, maybe another person. It may be mistaken for some people that he is only squinting to see an object in the distance because he has no glasses on. This will be proved wrong as we examine more clues.
        His mouth displays an L shape. It is a straight line, hence his face displays seriousness. If he was happy, he would smile and the mouth would display more of a curve. Sadness would cause the mouth to bend into a C curve opposite of a smile. Here's a man with a smiley face.
        The eyebrows are very close to his eyes. That means he is straining them. In popular culture, \ / would represent angry eyebrows. If he got angrier, his and any angry people's eyebrows would definitely slant into the angle I described above with slashes.
        His suit makes him look serious. It tells he is all business. He looks very professional and his red tie is dark and gives a non-playful feeling. If he was happy, then he might wear some pajamas with a yellow tie or something like that. It looks like he is at an important event displaying more evidence of why he is serious and mad. I see a microphone near him which means he is speaking at some public event. If he goofed around a lot, then the audience would think he is crazy and didn't prepare for the speech.

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