Friday, March 25, 2011

Esperanza's future

        Esperanza's future is left for us to predict because the ending does not tell of her fate. The only insight into the future is in the vignette about the three mysterious women who tells Esperanza to "come back for the others who cannot leave as easily as you"(The House on Mango Street, Cisneros, pg. 105).This brings me to ask whether she will return to Mango Street. I also question exactly what kind of mission this is.
        Going past the end of the book, I predict that Esperanza will move to a better place to live. According to the book, Mango Street is some god-forbidden impoverished community and it is the worst place to live in. Surely, her next home must be better. She will most likely go to high school because I believe Esperanza is loosely based on Sandra Cisneros's own life. Cisneros is a great writer and she must have had a proper education to learn these skills. Esperanza's future job I think will also be a writer and thus I predict she will get a college education to acquire advanced writing skills. She will become rich from writing novels.       
        Esperanza will come back to Mango Street. If she doesn't, it wouldn't make sense for Cisneros to include the vignette about the three mysterious women because it would not have any ramifications whatsoever. It would also mean a not so good ending as she does act selfish in the end. She will come back to make up for the selfish wish she made when she met those three ladies. The encounter with the three ladies must have spooked her into doing what they suggest in fear of punishment. The magical nature of the ladies should have left a positive impact on Esperanza's decision making. She would probably regard them as holy and respect their advice. Esperanza returns to offer aid to the residents there. Obviously, she will donate some of her wealth to counter the poverty there. Despite some speculation that she might offer to teach the citizens, I don't think that's going to happen. It's not as if the children there are illiterate. Esperanza's friends can speak English perfectly well. Besides there are already schools in the community that teach children.

1 comment:

  1. Your predictions seems fair enough and I'm interested by some of your inferences about the educational situation in Esperanza's community. But you're a bit light on evidence here! More CD's...?
