Wednesday, April 6, 2011

book review prewrite-1 question

        Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling is a book for children as well as teens. The simple explanation: it's about magic. However, I have to use CDs and CMs so here goes. "'He's off ter the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world.'" If adults read this quote, they would immediately think that this book is so immature and there are no such things as witches and wizards. That would be the end of it. However, younger people might have more interest in this magical world. It is easier for them to get sucked into this book. This novel helps youngsters get away from the cruel reality of the world and into a magical one.
        The cover wouldn't appeal to adults. People are told not to judge a book by its cover, but they still do. The cover shows a boy riding on a broomstick who is trying to catch a golden ball. In the background, there is a unicorn on a field and a three headed dog inside a gigantic castle. This type of illustration would appeal more to the younger generation.
        I would recommend this book to youth if I wasn't too lazy and uninterested to do so. It's useful if you want to pass time(whether it be in a waiting room or in a boring class). The beginning isn't slow and it doesn't have problems when introducing ideas. New ideas just blend into the plot and are not out of place. There is nothing that is too bloody to give children nightmares as this is not a horror book. The vocabulary is not overly advanced. A fifth grader could probably understand this book. The book is not too short or too long(only 309 pages). As a result, the plot is complete without dragging the story out too long to the point where a reader may fall asleep after reading several hundred pages. However if you are looking for action, this book would not satisfy you. The main character has not learned enough magic yet to engage in major duels. It is more of a detective novel because the main characters try to find a culprit.


  1. One suggestion that I would make would be to work on making the sentences long and making the sentences and ideas flow better- for example, in the last paragraph, the ideas kind of jumps around and could get pretty confusing. Also, in the last sentence of the first paragraph, you mentioned that the book could get kids to forget about the cruel reality of the world. This could be true, and is also a good idea, but if you really want to add it, you should elaborate more on it.

  2. I agree with Bianca and i believe that you could have touched more onto this if you chose a book you have not already read.

  3. I do agree with Bianca as well and this is more like an essay it's self with one topic. Try to make it a bit shorter. But the comparisons you choose have a strong argument!
