Thursday, August 26, 2010

response to other people's essay

Unlike most people doing this same assignment, I have the shame to say that it was I who started the alliance.  After a while a started to have regrets about what I was doing, I wanted to start to be nicer, but the people who I dragged into the situation made me believe that the cool thing to do was to continue to gang up on the person.
        I respect you for being such a noble person. It is especially difficult for you to change because you were the one who started the alliance. You followed the constitution in a good and bad way. I'll start with the bad way first. The constitution states that students must include, not exclude. You did include your friends to form an alliance, but by doing so you excluded the outsiders. It goes both ways. An alliance doesn't have to be formed to hurt peers. It can be created as a friendly group. I think that statement would clarify the include part of the constitution.
        Another part of the constitution states that peers must respect others. You're alliance picked on outsiders and that would violate the constitution. However, you changed your attitude and started to respect people who aren't part of your gang. There are probably still members of your alliance who bully people, but it doesn't matter to you because you already made your decision.
        You experienced the other side of the bullying story and it shows in your conclusion. You know the reason why you bullied people when you were younger. You're right and it's not cool at all to bully. Hanging out and getting along in activities like soccer are cool people. It's a coincidence that I'm talking about soccer and attending soccer Friday this week. Overall it was a nice story.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Essay 13

By Devin Liu

        One of the never ending issues is bullying. There is cyber and school bullying. I think the latter is more severe because it’s face to face. The more serious one usually involves ganging up because then bullies would have a lot of support and feel confident.
        People have several options to deal with that. One can be to tell the teacher which might not be so popular. They might be called a snitch. Confronting the bully is stupid because the victim is normally outnumbered. Staying silent would be best and that would give the bully an opportunity to pick another target.
People bully others to take out their anger on others. They use their peers as outlets. They can’t get mad at adults or higher authorities, so they intimidate younger people. Bullies expect no resistance at all from them.
        Bullies want to be cool, so they use jokes and pranks to appeal to others for support. They make themselves look strong by defeating younger peers. They also want to earn respect by displaying power. Fear will be instilled and no one will stand up.
        Bullying is something all students must contend with unless you’re popular or a bully yourself. I wish that the future is bully less and that school will be much more fun.